Digital marketing: is it worth it? by Anisia García

By Liza P.
Digital marketing: is it worth it?

We all hear everyday about social media, Google, marketing…but do you actually know what this means and how it works? How can people even get paid for doing something so simple as posting a picture on Instagram? Well, it is not as easy as it looks. 

We have to begin with a big breakdown: marketing is the process of knowing what your potential customer needs/wants and developing strategies that will get your product/service towards them.

Knowing this, digital marketing is one area of marketing where the experts use online platforms and technologies, with the main purpose of promoting products or services.

Advertising? Yeah! You know everything about it: television commercials, radio spots, billboards…But is this really what we are talking about? Well, not that much. The main difference with digital marketing and traditional marketing the type of strategies use in which platform. It is so important that we understand that, in marketing, every strategy that we create has to be focus on our main target, and knowing that, we can decide in what channel we are going to make our advertising master plan. 

Traditional marketing is really useful, it actually is! But the best thing about digital marketing is that everything we do, EVERYTHING, can be measured. In an online world, we can know everything about anyone because, let’s face it, we are always putting our personal information on our social media, and with that we can know what everyone likes and really make ads just for them. With this strategies, we can also know how many people are we reaching, how many people are buying our products or are looking for our services.

So in digital marketing we can use channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest and many other social media networks, and with that, we can develop strategies with paid or organic campaigns. It works the same way with metasearch platforms like Google or Bing, and you need to be there! There is a lot of people already looking for you, are you going to waste that just because you don’t believe in this strategies?