Author: Liza P.

Do followers really matter? By Ani García

We know exactly why you think Social Media is the best way to sell: you associate Followers to Sales, but actually this is so far from reality. Clients tend to ask always for being well known on Social Media and have thousands of followers, but is that really what matters the most about a digital marketing strategy?

Digital marketing: is it worth it? by Anisia García

We all hear everyday about social media, Google, marketing…but do you actually know what this means and how it works? How can people even get paid for doing something so simple as posting a picture on Instagram? Well, it is not as easy as it looks.

How to learn who am i. By A. Vrillon

Sometimes there are moments in life where we ask ourselves many questions: “why do I have no money, why does this happen to me, why is life so unfair, what is my next goal?” But sometimes we forget to ask ourselves something very important: “who am I?” And if you don’t know the answer, you are fucked, dude!

How to overcome your fears? By A. Vrillon

Normally people tend to be afraid of changes, to the unknown; however, how many times have we didn’t do something in our lives for the simple fact of “fear”? Many entrepreneurs in the whole world had to stop their dreams because of fear or just because they worry about what people might say.